Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Picked up a new training horse yesterday, lovely QH gelding that needs work on loading, and picking up his leads. Nick, the newest training Paso, is coming on nicely- had a saddle on him yesterday and did a lot of ground work again with him, hope to be riding him by this time next week. Tappy is coming on strong, as are all of the show Paso's.
Rob hopes to have the hay bine up and running later today- we need to get more hay in!
Well, Hunter is up, I need to get moving and get some house stuff done. Have to send mailings to my Illinois clients with dentistry trip dates, and have to dig some holes in the yard for some of the plants that Angie brought me yesterday. One is a beautiful ornamental tree that I love!
Monday, June 27, 2011
My yearly summer trip to Illinois is scheduled for July 20th through the 28th. I'll be making stops along the way in south-western PA and in Ohio. I can be available to transport horses on this trip as well.
Before heading west we will be headed north. The Schoharie Valley Paso Serenade in Cobleskill NY is being held on July 16th and 17th. We've a whole load of horses headed there, and we've been busy getting them ready. Only 90 days until Nationals!!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Jeff took a ton of pictures, so keep an eye on facebook for them. I'll put one or two up on the blog when I get them. Oscar even participated, as did Georgie the Pony and Buttons the goat. The only ones to accidentally part ways with their horses were...myself and Robbie! :)
It's a hectic week ahead. I've teeth to do nearly every day, and a new training horse to pick up. Nick, our newest training Paso, is a super smart little guy, I'm having fun working with him.
For now I am off to the barn, I want to practice the CMSA with Cardillo.
Friday, June 24, 2011
John, our farrier, was here for most of the day. We had quite the list for him, and fortunately everyone behaved.
Nick is our newest training horse. He is an absolutely adorable Paso Fino gelding that is here to be trained, broken in to ride. I'm itching to get on him, he just has something about him that's telling me he is going to be a really good ride. Had quite the time getting him here. I had to run my brother to the Syracuse train station, so took the trailer along as Nick was about an hour east of there. It would have been an easy three hour drive, getting Nick and then heading home. Ended up not getting home until nearly three in the morning! Fog was so heavy the whole way there and home that it took forever. I was a tired pup, especially as I had to be on the road by 5:45 to pick up a load of hay.
Today we have lessons to give, horses to work and mud to deal with. I've a back section of the arena wall dug up, we've a few spots that need to be repaired and hopefully we can get that section done tonight.
We are hosting an Extreme Cowboy Race on Saturday evening here, along with a pot-luck cookout. Everyone is welcome- just bring a covered dish to share, and bring chairs.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tonight I will be driving my brother Dave back up to Syracuse to catch the train to Chicago. He has been visiting here for a few weeks. We've had a great time catching up with each other, and Robbie has really enjoyed getting to go fishing with his Uncle Dave. I'll have the trailer in tow, as once I've dropped Dave off at the station I'll be headed east to pick up a new training Paso.
Schooled two horses with the mounted shooting yesterday. Michelle has expressed some interest in participating in this sport, so yesterday her horse Dodge got his first lesson in dealing with shooting. He was a super-star, and next time that we work with him she will most likely ride him in the round pen while I shoot while standing in the center of the ring. Cardillo did well also, started out a bit rough, but was working well for me by the time we were done.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
It was a good weekend. All the horses got worked, we had lots of help and lots of fun. Sonata and her foal are also doing very well, and Desi is thinking about bagging up. We have a full crop of foals this year, and so far each one is as nice as the last. One downside is that little Charlie, Londons foal, got hurt. He somehow managed to slice open the front of his fetlock, so now he is on antibiotics, which means he also has to be on Pepto and anti-ulcer meds. We did find out last week that he likes to drink Scratchy's formula, so giving him the pink stuff and the ulcer meds is now easy, we just mix them into a quart of formula and he drinks it right up! Scratchy continues to do well, he is growing like a weed and is very hearty and healthy. With Charlie on stall rest for awhile, looks like we may have to halter break Scratchy so we can get him out for some exercise. It will be interesting to see if London throws a fit or not when we take him out for exercise. They are still stalled separately, but are basically together all the time- so this may be an interesting exercise.
Cardillo is doing well, we were able to work him twice this week on the mounted shooting. I hope to school him at least twice more this week, and if all goes well we will be at another competition on Saturday. Jim has continued to work Jose with this as well, and even shot off of him a few times earlier this week. Cardillo is going to have a busy time at PFHA Nationals. He will be shown in Versatility and Trail, and he will compete in Mounted Shooting, a Trail Trial and will try out for the Soccer Tournament!
Friday, June 17, 2011
We had a great show. It was hot, there were some ups and downs, but all in all everyone had a great time and the horses did very well. Amazingly enough the horses survived the heat well and all performed beautifully, as did their riders. Good job everyone!!
We hit a snag on the way home from the show. After a hectic day of showing, we all worked hard to load up and head for home. We left for the 7 hour drive at about 2:30, and got home at midnight!! One broke down diesel slowed us down, but we finally made it safely home. Now we have a month to gear up for the next show, it will be here before we know it!
Scratchy continues to thrive. He is eating well, and seems to be keeping up growth wise with the other foals. Sonata had a lovely bay colt on Tuesday morning. I had headed to the barn at 1:00 a.m. to check on her, and when I went back at 6 she had him up and standing and nursing. He is super gaited, and already shows signs of graying out. We've just one baby to go, Desi is due in about 3 or so more weeks.
This week flew by. Monday passed in a haze, just wiped out from the heat and the show. Tuesday I had to take a very cranky three year old boy to the Dr.'s ( ear infection) Wednesday I got lots of critters worked, Thursday was Robbie's 14th B-Day, and today was working horses pretty much all day long- didn't get in until late. Tomorrow we do it again! :)
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Scratchy is still doing well. I'm waiting for the shipment of formula for him ( love how I received the receipt for it before I received the product!) Robbie and Julie will be in charge of him while I'm gone, as Erin will be away as well. All in all things are progressing nicely. He will be a month old on Thursday.
Today my brother Dave and I will run errands, get feed, go do teeth in Clark Summit then return here so I can give lessons and help put in hay.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Got my garden put in yesterday evening! I'm so pleased. Jim took the time to bring his tractor back over from Lake Ariel to move the top soil for me, and Angie was here with tomato, pepper, squash, pumpkin and cucumber plants. It looks great. Now I just have to keep critters out of it.
Today will be hectic, have to drop off sawdust trailer on the way to do teeth up in Montrose, have horses to work, have feed to pick up, hopefully today the next order of foal formula will arrive. Nicole got the trailers cleaned out and organized yesterday- and made up a list for me of what I need to get before we leave for the show. Only 3 more days and we hit the road!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011