Here is Margaurite de Calif, pinto filly. Sandy wanted a filly and she wanted color- it's fantastic!!
I got to take a quick peek at her yesterday morning. Ginger is being a great mare and Sandy and Evy are already totally enthralled with their new little girl.
Good day but long day yesterday. I ended up staying down at the barn until 10:00 with the farrier. We simply had a long list of horses to get done, and all got done at Maribelles as well. Today may not be much better- have to go on a removal service call this evening- and I'll be a bit short handed at chore time. Not a big deal- we'll get it all done one way or another. Robbie has been a huge help, coming down to the barn every day after school to pitch in. We've lots to do to get ready for the Lexington show next week. We'll have 12 horses going-
Have to bundle up a saddle and pair of chaps to run to Ralph R this morning- and probably need to hit the bank and run some errands too. Toby, the paint gelding that I mentioned in a post earlier this week, has a new mom- and he will most likely be headed t his new home today. They had him shod all the way around yesterday- I think he is going to work perfectly for them. He's been a joy to have here.
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